• Kids

    Jack: 5 Month Update

    Just as I predicted 5 months snuck up on us way too soon. Where did the last month of your little life go? You continue to be such a sweetheart. I can’t even remember the last time you woke up the in the morning and weren’t smiling and just so happy to see me. I don’t have your official 5 month weight and your next well child checkup isn’t until 6 months. If I had to guess, I would say you’re close to 15 pounds. You are really long which requires me to size up on footed sleepers so your little toes aren’t cramped. You’ve had a little bit of…

  • Kids

    Blessing Bags (Teaching Your Child to Give Back)

    There are a lot of things I wish for my children. At the top of that list is that they are loving, compassionate, and kind human beings. It’s important to me that they understand what a wonderful and privileged life they have and that not everyone lives like we do. It’s never too early to teach your children to think about others and how they can give back. When Ben started whining about Disney World and why we couldn’t go back every year, I explained to him that some kids never get the chance to go. In his innocent 4 year old little mind, he just couldn’t comprehend why that was.…

  • Kids

    Jack: 4 Month Update

    My sweet Jack. Monday you turned 4 months old. Before I know it you will be 6 months, then a year, and then I’ll be doing a big ugly cry in the corner. This month brought with it your first little illness and sick visit to the doctor. You broke out in a rash/bumps on your body, but after a dose of antibiotics and a switch to Aveeno baby products your skin cleared right up! At the doctor’s visit you weighed 13.4  pounds which is up 3 pounds since your last weigh in! We will know your official 4 month weight at your well child check up next week. You’re…

  • Kids

    Someone’s Finally Sleeping

    In his crib.  After 3 months of sleeping in the swing, I finally moved Jack to his crib this weekend. And it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  Now before you get all safety police, he was perfectly safe in the swing. Our swing is very deep and has the option to rock side to side which is what we used. He wasn’t going anywhere and it allowed all of us to get some sleep these past couple of months.  The next thing we’re going to tackle is weaning the swaddle. I think it’s past time since this is what I’m waking up to. I wrap…

  • Kids

    Jack: 3 Month Update

    Jack, you have been with us an entire 3 months. You are most definitely growing. I used to be able to hold you with one arm, no problem at all, but it’s becoming more of a challenge as you chunk up. We are so thankful you are getting bigger especially since at your 2 month Well Child Check you hadn’t gained much weight. You were in the 50% for height but only 10% for weight (10.4lbs). Long story short, after a couple of meetings with the lactation consultant and breastfeeding for a solid 3 months, you now take formula 100% of the time and are doing so much better and gaining weight!…