• Kids

    Jack: 8 Month Update

    Jackers. Happy 8 months big boy! I know I said last month that you started lots of new things, but I think you’ve learned even more this month! Even since last month, I’ve noticed that little by little your baby face is slowly fading away.  What’s not fading however is your chubby little cheeks! I swear I could just kiss those things all day long. I’ve never seen a baby with such kissable cheeks! You still have just two little bottom teeth and you like to do this thing where you rub your lip against your teeth. You are drooling and mouthing like crazy and I will be so glad…

  • Kids

    Jack’s First Snow

     Bundled up and ready to see what the fuss is all about! I think he likes it! And because I know my mom will say something, he was only outside for like 2 minutes.  And we can’t forget big brother. Looks like Ben likes the snow a lot more now than he did during his first snow.

  • Kids

    A Lego Themed 5th Birthday

    Ben is definitely my child. He began thinking about the theme for his 5th birthday months in advance. We went through a long list of contenders… Ninja Turtles, Regular Ninja’s, Scooby Doo, Superheros, Avengers, the list goes. But as the months drew closer, it become clear that Legos would be the official theme. In the past 6 months I’ve stepped on hundreds of them in the middle of the night and J’s wanted to simultaneously cry and cuss while trying to put together a car with 1,000 tiny pieces. This was the first year the party wasn’t at our house and the first year that he’s invited people other than…

  • Kids

    5 Years.

    Our wild, smart, funny, lovable Ben. Today you are 5 years old. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since you completely changed our lives.  This past year you’ve grown and changed so much. You still love to learn and ask all the questions. You excel at writing, coloring, and drawing and you love art and doing projects. There is always several pieces of art in your cubby when I pick you up from school. You are starting to read sight words, and can count well past 100 although you mysteriously manage to leave a whole section out when playing hide and seek 🙂 I know how excited you are…

  • Kids

    Jack: 7 Month Update

    Sweet Jack. You are officially over half way to being a one year old. This last month you started doing SO many new things. Your personality is coming out more than ever and I’m starting to see glimpses of how you may be as a toddler. You’re still as sweet as ever and all your daddy and I have to do is look at you and we get a big ear to ear grin that melts our hearts. Just like last month, these monthly photos are getting harder and harder to take as you are constantly trying to grab the camera. And this month you want to crawl right off…