• Holidays

    Christmas Recap: Part 1

    To help with the picture overload, I’m going to break up all our Christmas celebrations into a couple of posts.  A few days before Christmas we loaded the boys in the car, cranked up the Christmas music, and  checked out our favorite festive houses. I can barely manage to get a wreath up on the door, how do people do this? On Christmas Eve Eve we decorated cookies without Jack (he’s still a little too young) and it was so special to spend that time with just Ben. Although the dough was Pillsbury, the frosting designs were all ours. We also decorated a gingerbread train. J is usually in charge of…

  • Holidays

    Christmas Tree Traditions

    Growing up, our Christmas tree was beautiful. We had white lights, matching ornaments, ribbon, beads, you name it. It was the perfect looking tree with coordinating colors and a matching tree skirt. I’m sure I made hand-made ornaments throughout the years and although my mom always saved them, they rarely made it on to the tree. Fast forward several year to my family’s tree. She’d definitely be the ugly stepsister of my childhood tree. The “main” ornaments on our tree match and consist of reds, golds, and sparkles. I stuck with the tradition of white lights and have a traditional red velvet tree skirt. But our tree is also filled…

  • Holidays,  Uncategorized

    Thanksgiving Recap 2014

    We had a great Thanksgiving spent with family and lots of food. We even managed to get some things done around the house, in my pajamas of course. On Thursday we ate lunch at my parent’s house and then dinner at J’s aunt’s house. Raiding the fridge before lunch. He just couldn’t make it 5 more minutes until the food was ready.  We hit up the grocery store on Friday morning and the boys shared the car cart for the first time. Jack LOVED it and kept saying, “beep, beep,” as they drove through the store. That night we got all the Christmas decorations out and put the tree up.…

  • Holidays

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I’m going take a break from blogging for the rest of the week to spend time with my family and friends. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with lots of love, thanks, and delicious food.  source

  • Holidays

    Halloween 2014

    Anyone else experience a time change hangover? Surprisingly, the kids adjusted just fine but I went to bed at 8:30pm on Sunday night. I’m forcing myself to stay up past 9:00pm tonight so I can finish this post about our Halloween. It was 28 degrees on Halloween night. We went over to my parent’s house and my sister and her family came over too. We ordered pizza and hit up a few houses close by, but there was hardly anyone out and the few people that we did see were trick or treating in cars.  Earlier in the day Ben’s class had a fall party and Jack’s school had a…