
Getaway to St. Louis & Other Happenings

Things have been crazy lately! With so much to do and so little time, a little break was just what we needed. This weekend J and I escaped to St. Louis by ourselves, leaving Ben at home with his Memaw and Pampa. Although we love Ben and doing things as a family, sometimes it’s nice to have time to ourselves and remember that J and I were a “we” long before Ben came along. Of course we did end up talking about him most of the time. 
We stayed at the Hilton in downtown St. Louis right next to Busch Stadium and the Arch. We went to the top of a parking garage to take some pictures. 
Friday night we went to the Galleria and planned to eat at the Melting Pot for dinner. Our reservations weren’t until 9:00 so we grabbed a slice of pizza to keep us from starving and looked around the mall. Shockingly, I didn’t find anything that I wanted, but of course J found the one thing in the Apple store he didn’t have. I’m am not even exaggerating, we have everything but the Apple t.v.
And now we’re the proud new owners of the Apple t.v. 
By the time dinner rolled around neither of us were hungry enough that we thought we could tackle all the food at the Melting Pot so instead we opted to see the movie Wallstreet. I thought it was okay, mostly because of Shia Labeouf and J was not impressed at all. 
One of the great things about our hotel was that there was an Imos Pizza right in the lobby. J had never had Imos and I love it so we ordered room service and laid in bed eating pizza at 1:00 at night which is one of the benefits of being child free for the weekend. 
After sleeping in, we made our way over to the Science Center where we attempted to learn a few  things.
Apparently J has been designing websites the hard way all these years. Who knew all he needed was this program?
Besides walking around and looking at all the fun exhibits, we also saw our first IMAX movie about the Hubble telescope. To round out our weekend we ate dinner at the Cheesecake Factory where J consumed a chicken sandwich the size of his head and I got my usual Thai lettuce wraps.
We were so thankful that my parents could keep Ben and by the looks of things when we picked Ben up, he was glad they watched him too. Nothing’s better than being spoiled by grandparents. 
On Sunday I tried to clean up the disaster that was our house and that afternoon we went to see J’s parents. One of the parks has a little train and offers rides around the park.
After the train ride we went over to my in-laws house to eat dinner and play outside. I love that they have so much land and Ben can just run and run until his hearts content.
 J’s parent’s dog Jackie. Ben loves to frequently tells us, “Jackie pooped.” 
Even though we are still trying to recover from this weekend, we had such a blast. I’m thinking our next getaway needs to involve, sun, sand, and a mini-umbrella in my drink.

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