
Butterfinger Pie

Candy. In a pie. Need I say more.

What You Need:
-12 mini butter finger bars 
-8oz package cream cheese
-12oz container of Cool Whip
-Premade Graham Cracker Crust (you could make your own but who has time for that)

What to Do:
1. Combine Cool Whip and cream cheese in a bowl. Make sure your cream cheese is softened or you’ll end up with lumps.

2.Crush the Butterfingers and set 1/2 cup aside. Mix the crushed candy into the Cool Whip and cream cheese mixture. I crushed mine in a ziploc bag but if you wanted to get all fancy you could use a food processor. Make sure you don’t crush them too small. You want to be able to taste the bits of Butterfinger when you eat it.

3. Pour the mixture into the pie crust and top with 
4. Top with the remaining Butterfinger. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving. 

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