• Holidays

    4th of July 2014

    This 4th of July had to be one of my favorite ones yet. During the day we went to the State Capital for the annual Salute to America celebration. It was our first time and we will definitely be going back. There was face painting, carnival rides, street vendors, food trucks, sand sculptures, and a petting zoo which we somehow managed to miss. After a quick stop at home we headed to J’s aunt’s house. There’s just something about celebrating 4th of July in the country that makes it even more fun. Each year I look forward to going out there and I’m so glad my kids will have these…

  • Kids

    Our Very Hungry Caterpillar: Jack’s 1st Birthday

    For our little food lover, The Very Hungry Caterpillar seemed fitting for his first birthday party. We kept the party small and invited just family and of course, “Aunt Alissa.” We had deli sandwiches and foods from the book that the little caterpillar eats throughout the week. The cake was super cute and really easy to serve since it was a cupcake cake. A local bakery has made each one of Ben’s birthday cakes and we are continuing the tradition with Jack. Jack was spoiled rotten and got lots of presents including tons of books which is perfect since he is obessed, especially touch and feel ones. We had so…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    Happy Friday! It looks like the gals are going to be taking a break from the 5 on Friday link-up so I thought I’d do one final 5 to wrap things up for the Summer. I may continue to do some kind of weekly wrap up until 5 on Friday comes back this fall, but we’ll see. One. My wonderful husband bought me a FitBit and I’m a little obsessed. It probably doesn’t help that 2 of  my friends have one and we can compete to see who gets the most steps. It does lots of amazing things, but I find myself using the step tracker and calories burned the most useful…

  • Kids

    Jack: 12 Month Update

    Jackers! The day has officially come and gone and you are a whole One Year Old! I honestly can’t believe an entire year has gone by since we welcomed you into the world. You are so sweet, happy, and pretty dang adorable. You’ve brought so much love into our lives and your big, toothy smile instantly brightens my day. You’re starting to develop your own personality, complete with little melt-downs and all. With each day that passes I see less of my little baby and more of a toddler and this excites me and makes me sad all at the same time. I can’t wait to see how much you…

  • Life

    We’re Baacckkk!

    We’re back from vacation and it’s bittersweet. By the last day I was ready for my own bed and to walk around bare foot without sand sticking to my feet, but by the time we got home and everything unpacked I was already missing the sound of the beach and our incredible beach house.  I had grand plans of getting posts scheduled for while we were gone, but time got away from me and I figured having a packed suitcase was more important than a recipe post. I’ll do a full recap of our trip later this week. Until then, he’s two of my favorite pictures from the week. Pure…