• Life

    The Sunday Social

    Happy Sunday! I am so excited to have one more day off this week. This weekend has been one of the most productive weekends in a really long time and I’m thankful to have one more day to finish some things up. Kate participated in a quick little link up today and I decided I wanted to join in too:) 1. Top 3 favorite kinds of food Mexican, Steak & Potatoes, Salads 2. First 3 things you do in the morning -Hit the snooze button at least once -Wake up & kiss the boys -Take a shower 3. Last 3 things you do at night -Take my birth control pill (no…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    Wondering where I’ve been this week? Let’s take a look at number one shall we? One. The stomach flu hit our house hard on Sunday night. Thankfully the boys didn’t catch it, but J and I got it pretty bad, me worse than him. Being nauseous is horrible. I don’t know how patients going through chemo do it or you ladies who feel that way throughout your entire pregnancy. We were lucky that our parents took the boys not only so they wouldn’t catch it, but also because we were in no condition to be able to care for another human being. Let alone two. Here’s to never having that…

  • Kids

    An Interview With My Child

    Whitney over at The Glamorous Life of a Housewife interviewed her 4 year old and I thought it was such a great idea that I decided to do it as well.  Ben. Age 4 My hero is … Spiderman.I get my cuteness from … Mom.When I grow up I want to be … a policeman. My favorite food is … cheese pizza.My favorite Bible story is… about Moses…and Jesus.My favorite animal is … I would say a tiger and giraffe. Do both.My favorite thing to do is … ride a motorcycle.My favorite place to eat is … Shakespeare’s (pizza place)My Mommy likes it when I … listen.My Daddy likes it when I … be good…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    2 days late, but here we go! One. I came out to my car after a meeting downtown to find this delivery truck not only blocking me in, but an entire row of cars. After waiting for 10 minutes, a few of us got out of our cars and couldn’t find the driver anywhere so we decided to call the non-emergency police number. Of course the driver came back right in the middle of the call and was somehow surprised that we were all upset.  Two. He makes me laugh. Every single day. Three. There’s not much better than cuddling with a sleeping baby. Four. I made this sausage quiche…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    Nothing like last weekend’s recap the night before the next weekend begins. Like most of the country, we got hit with snow and bitter temperatures. The high last weekend was one degree. On Monday the temperature was -8F at 8:00am. I can’t wait to see how much our heating bill is this month. On a positive note, at least we have a house and heat.  Friday night J and I went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The previews for the movie looked strange but J really wanted to see it. I was surprised at how much I ended up liking this. There were definitely weird parts but…