
The Sunday Social

Happy Sunday! I am so excited to have one more day off this week. This weekend has been one of the most productive weekends in a really long time and I’m thankful to have one more day to finish some things up.
Kate participated in a quick little link up today and I decided I wanted to join in too:)
1. Top 3 favorite kinds of food
Mexican, Steak & Potatoes, Salads
2. First 3 things you do in the morning
-Hit the snooze button at least once
-Wake up & kiss the boys
-Take a shower
3. Last 3 things you do at night
-Take my birth control pill (no one needs a surprise baby around here)
-Check Facebook 
-Set the alarm on my phone
4. 3 TV shows you NEVER miss
Homeland, Scandal, Any Real Housewives (sans Miami)
5. 3 places you want to visit
Washington D.C., Bahamas, & France with J (I went to Paris right out of high school, but I’d love to go back with J)
6. 3 people you can always count on
-My family
-My husband
-A handful of really great girlfriends
Do you have tomorrow off? If so, what are your plans? 

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