5 on Friday

5 on Friday

2 days late, but here we go!
I came out to my car after a meeting downtown to find this delivery truck not only blocking me in, but an entire row of cars. After waiting for 10 minutes, a few of us got out of our cars and couldn’t find the driver anywhere so we decided to call the non-emergency police number. Of course the driver came back right in the middle of the call and was somehow surprised that we were all upset. 
He makes me laugh. Every single day.
There’s not much better than cuddling with a sleeping baby.
I made this sausage quiche for breakfast last weekend and it was delicious. The best part is it’s so easy. Recipe to come later this week!
It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with Homeland on Showtime, but since the season is over I needed to find a new show. Enter Scandal. After hearing about how great this show is I opened the black hole that is being watching on Netflix. Even J got in on this one with me. I’m almost done with Season 2.
Hope you all had a great weekend!


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