Goals & Resolutions,  Holidays

A New Year {2017}

Happy New Year! I took lots of time off from blogging in December and it was a nice break, but I’m glad to be back. I love the start of a new year. The excitement of another 365 days to live, do, and be anything is awaiting us. Last year I chose JOY as my word that I wanted to represent the upcoming year. This year I’m choosing the word EMBRACE. People, chaos, things not in my control, the peace that comes with saying no, and new experiences. I’m choosing to embrace life, whatever it may bring.

And because my list loving self also needs specific resolutions, here they are.

one. Travel. Near, far, and everywhere in between. Especially just with our little family of four.
two. Build up our savings. Last year we paid off a lot of our student loans and this year I want to focus on our savings account. And even retirement. Who am I?
three. More one-on-one/family time with the boys. Real time, not them playing and me doing laundry or cleaning. Really focusing on them and giving them my full attention.
four. Take an anniversary trip in May.
five. Finish decorating our house. We’ll have been here two years in May so it’s about time.
six. Be more conscious about my food choices and increase my work outs.
seven. Daily time with the Word and doing bible stories with the boys.
eight. Continue to set a budget each month and stick to it. This includes cooking more at home and eating out way less.
nine. Be more on top of all things cleaning/organizing. Morning time can be rough, so having everything organized and ready to go the night before really helps.
ten. Blog more regularly. I love that blogging allows me to look back on what was happening in our lives.
eleven. Continue dating my husband. Last year we saw more movies than we have in the past 5 years combined. I want to continue to take time for just the two of us whether at home or going out somewhere.
twelve. Teach the boys to give back and help out around the house more.
thirteen. Figure out a great night time skincare routine because my face ain’t getting any younger.
fourteen. Check in on these resolutions every month and post updates on how it’s going.

Did you make any resolutions for the new year?


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