Weekend Recap

Summer in Spring Time

This past weekend the weather was BEAUTIFUL. I think we broke a record for the all time high in April with 91 degrees on Sunday. Luckily the wind was blowing and it was just perfect.
Ben had quite the weekend. Saturday afternoon we spent a lot of time at the park where he got to play with one of his friends from preschool who also happened to be there.
Sunday morning, we got up bright and early and headed over to the movie theater to see one of their free Spring movies. Each fall and spring, the theater shows older movies that were previously in the theater for free. We watched Cats and Dogs or more like 45 minutes of it and then Ben was ready to leave. The movie wasn’t animated, but I thought he still might enjoy it because of the animals. It was definitely a movie for older kids and I think Ben would have sat longer if it had been a cartoon.
After the movie we headed to the park with my parents to feed some of the geese. Or shall I say the geese chased us until we threw them our bread.
He seems so big in this picture.
Climbing all the way to the big slide and declaring, “I do it myself” which he does.
An ice cream treat after a much needed nap.
 Before dinner, we made these stepping stones to go in our soon to be garden.
Followed by one last visit to the park. This kid loves being outdoors.
At the end of the day we were all exhausted, but we had so much fun. I have a feeling we will be practically living outside this Summer. At least I will have an awesome tan:)

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