
When Your Friend’s Getting Divorced

After reading Erin’s post over at Blue Eyed Bride I felt inspired to talk about my girlfriends. I have to say that I have some of the best group of friends a girl could ask for. They are funny, smart, and most importantly, genuinely good, kind people.
Yesterday I had the chance to meet up with one of my oldest friends who I have known since middle school.Yes, I have the pictures to prove it, big hair, bangs, and all, but those shall remain out of the blog world. She recently told me that she is getting a divorce from her husband of a year and a half. My heart broke for her. 
As we sat talking about the good ole days, we found ourselves crying from laughter instead of sadness. As she told me how she has reached this point, I couldn’t help but think about how brave and strong she was. She wasn’t leaving the marriage because anyone cheated or because there was abuse, but because she wasn’t happy and hadn’t been for a while. She wasn’t living her best life. And I think what she did was extraordinary.
It’s often easy to become complacent in relationships and even your life. We all have those moments where we think is this really what I am supposed to be doing, is this really what I want for myself? And for most of us the answer is yes and if it’s not, we make adjustments or we should. Making changes in our lives is not always easy and sometimes no matter how hard you try to make things work, the person you thought was the one you could spend your life with isn’t. And many many people stay anyway.
Her decision didn’t come lightly. And she certainly didn’t go into the marriage taking it lightly. I know this road has been long and I’m sure she has tough days ahead. The great thing about my friend however is that she is strong and independent and has the best sense of humor. And sometimes when you’ve cried all you can cry all that’s left to do is laugh. Laugh about our taste of boys in junior high, laugh about how we used a roll brush to get that perfect curl in our bangs, laugh about her grandma who mastered the art of smoking while laying down and managed not to burn down the house.
I know when we’re old and gray she’ll be able to look back at her life and how making this really hard choice was the best decision she ever made.
I’m so proud of your courage and strength friend.

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