
27 Week Bump Update

Size of the baby: 14 1/2 inches long and weighing in at 2 pounds! Size of a head of cauliflower.
Total weight gain: 18 lbs
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, mix of both maternity and regular tops. I’ll be purchasing a few more maternity clothes to get me through the home stretch.
Sleep: It’s definitely becoming harder to get comfortable and I’m using lots of pillows. I constantly have to switch which side I’m laying on at night because my hip on that side starts to hurt, but I try to lay on my left as much as possible.
Gender: It’s a boy!
Movement: Still lots. The past few days the baby has been pressing right on my bladder and I feel like I have to pee even if I’ve just gone.
Food cravings/aversions: Craving-peaches; Aversions-ceaser salad
What I miss: Just being comfortable…and being able to paint my toenails with ease.
Moment of the week: Getting the baby’s dresser in the mail thanks to my mom and sister!

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