5 on Friday

Friday Favorites

The weather this week has been beautiful. I hope it lasts into the weekend so we can enjoy it.
Favorite thing I wore this week. My shirt from this haul. Don’t mind the bathroom pic and horrible lighting. I ran out of time to snap a picture at home.
Favorite DIY that I actually DIY’d. We had this tiny little bulletin board in our laundry room that was a previous DIY but it wasn’t functional at all. Luckily my friend Erika was getting rid of a bigger board so it was the perfect time for something new. I didn’t want to just randomly hang things so I created a few little banners to provide some organizaiton. I divided it into 3 different spaces, “Go” for all of our invitations/upcoming events, “Eat” which has our meal plan, and “Get” for our grocery/household list. 
Favorite family moment. School supply shopping with Ben. We dropped Jack off at his grandparents and took him to dinner and then Target to pick out what he needs for Kindergarten. It was nice to be able to focus all of our attention on him and make it a special time as he get’s ready to start “big kid” school.
Favorite Target find.  Speaking of Target, I picked up this new notebook. Doesn’t it remind you of the Kate Spade ones? And it’s a fraction of the cost.
Favorite moment. Ben reached over and held my hand while we were on the couch the other night. He may be 5, but he’ll always be my baby. I’m so glad I had my phone with me to catch this moment. 
Linking up with Karli & Amy as well as Amanda.


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