Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Our weekend was the perfect mix of productivity and being lazy which is how I think every weekend should be, am I right?
J and I spent some one on one time with Ben without little brother. We went to Mexican for dinner followed by Jurassic World. The movie was great and Ben loved it, but apparently I asked him too many times if he was scared. Sorry for caring. 

Don’t mind the super dark pic, but I wanted to document the fact that we J got the tv in our bedroom hung properly with the cable box and apple tv box hidden behind it and out of sight. And yes, we have a television in our bedroom, judge away.

Saturday morning we were up bright and early for Ben to participate in a mud run/obstacle course race. The race wasn’t timed and all about fun, but Ben ended up finishing 2nd and we were so proud of him!! All that energy finally paid off!
After hosing off and changing clothes, we did our weekly grocery shopping, the boys helped daddy mow, and I moved the last of the boxes out of our garage and down to the storage area in our basement. It was so flipping hot, but I got everything moved and man does it feel good to have that done.
We have a riding lawn mower we use for most of our yard, but J bought this new push mower for the front and Jack has become completely obsessed with mowing. He said, “mow, mow,” no less than 100 times this weekend. Poor J pushed the mower around (obviously not turned on) for forever while Jack followed right next to him.   
My in-laws picked up the boys Saturday night and J and I got cleaned up and headed to dinner where we stuffed ourselves and then came home and went to bed at 9:30. 
Sunday was spent laying around and hanging out at our neighborhood pool. My parents came over to swim with us and after we were all swam out we treated them to some ice cream.
Fun fact: If you have an Andy’s in your town, you can get a sample gone for small kids and I even saw one couple give it to their dog. It’s free and perfect for little kids who can’t handle their own cone…or refuse to eat the strawberry sundae you got them because it was in a cup. 
We ended the weekend with of course more mowing (don’t worry the blade wasn’t down), pizza for dinner on paper plates, and cuddling in mom and dad’s bed.
Hope you all had a great weekend and happy Monday!!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending


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