5 on Friday

Friday, Friday

Happy Happy Friday! I’m jumping right in with this week’s post.

I was “Boo’d” this week at work and got these adorable Halloween wine glasses from Pier One and a little notepad. Have you guys ever done the boo game? You basically leave a small gift for someone with a printout of the rules and a sign for them to hang and then they do the same for someone else. I’ve also seen neighbors do this and it’s such a cute idea!


I posted this on Facebook earlier this week, but I’m obsessed with kids pajamas. I just can’t help myself so I saw these pjs on a Facebook mom swap I had to snatch them up. Our cute little sea turtle.


I stopped by my favorite Goodwill in between clients last week and got all of these things for around $20, most of which were brand new including a pair of shoes for Jack and the most adorable plaid fur hat for whichever boy I can convince to wear to it. And one of them will wear it.

All the 1st graders in Ben’s school went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch earlier this week and I’m so glad I got to go. It was a pretty typical patch, but one of my favorite things was seeing the different stages of how a pumpkin grows all the way from the flower to the big fat orange pumpkins.
Temperatures this weekend are going to be cooollllddd so I’m planning to make this easy slow cooker soup to fill us up and keep me from actually having to cook this weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Linking up with KarliChristinaAshleigh, & Amanda.


  • Joey @ Hodgespodges

    I'm a nanny for 4 older kids (and well, family assistant to the parents). I got a note on Monday morning "the kids will talk to you about boo'ing a neighbor." I was all "WTF?" I thought maybe they showed really bad unsportsmanlike behavior or something!! When I finally realized what it was I was IN LOVE with the idea! How fuN!

  • Kaitlin {Little Goodies Blog}

    Your "boo" was super cute!! (Wine Glasses!??!) My neighborhood has done that a couple times and we just have a little colored pumpkin and ghost decal that you put on your door … the kids did have fun guessing which door would have it next, but I'd rather have some wine glasses, lol!

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