5 on Friday

5 on Friday

Wondering where I’ve been this week? Let’s take a look at number one shall we?
The stomach flu hit our house hard on Sunday night. Thankfully the boys didn’t catch it, but J and I got it pretty bad, me worse than him. Being nauseous is horrible. I don’t know how patients going through chemo do it or you ladies who feel that way throughout your entire pregnancy. We were lucky that our parents took the boys not only so they wouldn’t catch it, but also because we were in no condition to be able to care for another human being. Let alone two. Here’s to never having that again.
Last week I placed the ingredients for my trusty chicken tacos in the crockpot and was beyond excited to have a delicious meal ready when I got home from work. Then I got this text from J.
Ugh. When I got home it was way worse than I imagined. That crockpot soaked for days.
Jack decided he’s ready to start crawling. He can only go backwards for now, but man can he get around.
I had this grilled chicken taco salad for lunch at a local brewery and I need to re-create it at home asap. And does anybody know why restaurant ranch is always SO much better than store bought? Do they make it, buy it? If you know, spill the beans.
I’m taking advantage of this 3 day weekend to do some major organization around this house. Hopefully I’ll have lots of progress to report back on. If you don’t read an update about it, just assume the kids were being banshees.
Happy Friday Friends!


  • Seriously Kate

    Happy Friday to you! I am so sorry to hear you had the stomach flu but I am so thankful for your Littles didn't catch it! And I'm glad you're feeling better! And the sight of your crockpot makes me cringe at the thought of washing! You're right, it WOULD have HAD to soak for days. 🙂

    Hope you're having a great weekend so far!

    • admin

      I finally made something in the crockpot again last night and it seriously gave me a little bit of anxiety that it would be the chicken fiasco all over again:)

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