5 on Friday,  Weekend Recap

5 on Friday + Weekend Recap

On a Monday. But better late than never, right?
Our niece spent the night on Friday and Ben and her helped give Jack a bath. He was loving all the attention and Kylee and Ben thought they were so big.
This little guy turned 8 months old. I know I’m biased but could you not just eat him up? 
We’re doing a thing at work called Secret Someone. We each drew a name and the goal is to send the person little things that let them know they’re special. It doesn’t have to cost $ and could even be a little handwritten note. I found this on my desk Friday.
I know, a terrible bathroom selfie. Forgive me. 2 weeks ago I got my hair chopped off after drooling over this cut. It doesn’t look exactly like what I was going for, but overall I’m happy with it. And I’ve already decided that I’m growing it back out 🙂
This weekend was the perfect mix of busyness and laziness. Saturday Ben had soccer practice, we went to lunch with my MIL, and then I went with my friend Alissa and the other bridesmaids to pick out our dresses. We found a dress we all like and it even has pockets! Sunday was spent lounging around and ended with dinner at our favorite local pizza place. Their vegetarian is awesome although all those black olives get picked off my slice immediately. Jack was so tired he couldn’t even make it through dinner.
I hope you all had a great weekend!

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