5 on Friday

5 on Friday

I can’t believe another Friday is already here. The weeks are going by way too fast! I’m linking up again with these lovely ladies.
I can’t wait to get my post-baby body back. Like most new moms, it’s not going back as fast as I wish it would. I shouldn’t be surprised though when this happens to your body.

I’m headed to St. Louis for the weekend tomorrow to celebrate my niece’s birthdays. Hopefully Jack will do great in the hotel and the people in the room next to us won’t be able to hear him cry.

My mom officially retired last week as an OB/GYN nurse. I am beyond jealous! Only 35 more years to go until my retirement party:)
I can’t believe this time next year my first baby will be going to kindergarten. Time really does fly by even though the days can seem long. 
I love everything about this hair. The cut, the color, all of it. What do you all think?
Happy Friday! I hope your weekend is filled with lots of fun.


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