
34 Week Bump Update

As usual, this is a little late 🙂

Size of the baby: 18 inches long and weighing in at 4 3/4 lbs! Size of a canteloupe.
Total weight gain: I honestly can’t remember,  but I think around 27 pounds. I’ll find out Tuesday at my Dr.’s appointment. My feet have been swelling like crazy especially at the end of the day. Hello cankles! 
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, mix of both maternity and regular tops and maxi dresses and skirts. I can’t wait to wear all my old clothes again.
Sleep: Getting worse. It’s really hard to get comfortable and my back has been killing me.
Gender: It’s a boy!
Movement: Still lots, but he’s running out of room. He’s had the hiccups a few times and just last night J and I sat and watched my entire belly move for almost 20 minutes.
Food cravings/aversions: Cravings-lots of fruit, especially apples and grapes & peanut butter M&Ms. Aversions-none 
What I miss: Being comfortable, wearing my old clothes, a glass of wine/margarita.
Moment of the week: Getting the nursery closet cleaned out and organized.

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