Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Oh weekend, how quickly you leave us. Despite lots of relaxing, I still managed to get a handful of things done around the house. 
My weekend started on Friday when my niece and I went to Six Flags for the day. 
Friday night ended with a literal bang when I dropped my phone and cracked the screen. 
Saturday we woke up bright and early and I pulled up weeds from our “flower” bed which is more like a “half alive bush bed.” Even in the 105 degree weather and no rain, weeds continue to grow. It’s mother nature’s little kick in the arse. J mowed the law before it got too hot and Ben helped by drawing with side walk chalk.
How cute is this little topiary dinosaur? It was a nice little garage sale find for a $1. 
Our homemade stepping stone. 
While Ben and J napped, my mom, sister, niece, and I went to look at wedding dresses. After trying on several I think I found the ONE. 
Ben spent the night at J’s parent’s house on Saturday night so we took the opportunity to go to dinner and a movie which was way better than expected. Especially James Franco’s acting. I wasn’t expecting much from him after the disaster that was the Oscars.
Sunday we just hung around the house. Ben took a really long nap and I was able to catch up on laundry, do some cleaning, and watch a few oldy but goody 90210 episodes. Does anyone else think that Susan and Brandon were perfect for each other?
This little guy was not too happy to be awoken from his slumber.
Our plans to get ice cream were quickly ruined when thunderstorms rolled through town but these two didn’t seem to mind. Like father like son. 
I’m ending the weekend with a big glass of wine and hopping I can stay awake for a movie. 

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