Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Friday night wine + nails before dinner with the family to celebrate my niece’s new internship.

5am Saturday morning I was woken up to the phone ringing and a tearful Jack telling me he missed me and wanted me to come get him. My mother-in-law said he had been up all night coughing and was running a fever. 
Since he’d just been sick with a cough and fever a few weeks before I made sure we were the first patient as soon the doctor’s office opened. Jack ended up getting a breathing treatment at the clinic before being sent home with an inhaler, 2 antibiotics, and asthma. Poor guy. We were told to keep an eye on his breathing and if he didn’t get better he would need to be admitted to the hospital for observation.
Luckily by Sunday he was almost back to his old self and no longer screaming bloody murder when it was time for his inhaler. Sunday evening the boys agreed they both needed some ice cream and I needed some more wine. 
Even though the weekend didn’t go as planned we are so so thankful that it wasn’t worse and that we didn’t have to spend anytime at the hospital. I’m also SO thankful that Jack has an inhaler so we can stay on top of things. Hopefully this is the end of the sickies for the little guy.

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