Friday morning Jack woke up with a fever and said his ear hurt. I immediately scheduled him an appointment at the sick clinic where the doctor confirmed he had an ear infection. He started on some antibiotics and I’m just so thankful he’s at the age where he can tell us when something hurts.I got up early on Saturday and picked up donuts before squeezing in a quick workout. My friend Jaclyn said we had to try the cronuts (a mix between a croissant and donut) and it did not disappoint.
By Saturday afternoon Jack was running around and acting like his normal self again. Hooray for antibiotics! That evening we celebrated J’s grandma’s 80th birthday. Gigi surrounded by all her great-grandkids. Sunday afternoon I headed to a local antique store and found the cutest booth.
This week is our Spring Break and the weather looks terrible. We’re going to make the most of it and have fun, but man I wish we were having sunny 70 degree weather.
Linking up with Biana for Weekending. I’m so jealous of the amazing Ireland trip she is on right now!