Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Before I get into the details of our weekend I want to take a moment and say how absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying the events in Paris have been. I visited Paris when I was 18 years old fresh out of high school and it lived up to all the wonder I thought it would be. For me, what makes these attacks so scary is that the people killed were just out enjoying their Friday night, having a beer at a restaurant, listening to a band, watching a game. Although always sad, normally terrorist attacks don’t make me feel truly anxious, but for some reason this attack had my mind racing in the early morning hours. It could easily happen here, to any one of us.

Now, let’s move onto the fun stuff like donuts, Old Navy, and Starbucks, where at least for the time being, no one is arguing over those stupid red cups.
Speaking of red cups, our Target finally got a Starbucks. Anybody else’s Target still have the “cafe” with the stale pretzels and icees or were we the last ones. I couldn’t get a drink without getting the kids something and although I showed some self control and didn’t get a cake pop for myself, you better believe I snuck a bite. 
Backing up to Friday night, we let the kids eat dinner picnic style and all watched Inside Out. Ben and I saw it in the theatre this summer and it was just as cute the second time around. 
After the movie I attempted to re-do my Halloween chalkboard into a Thanksgiving one but I was having no such luck getting the chalkboard pen to erase. After a quick Google search, lots of people had luck with magic erasers but even after that, the design was still pretty prominent and the eraser was starting to take away some of the chalkboard. I finally decided to just go back over the design and leave it as a Halloween one. At $3 for the chalkboard it’s not that big of a loss.
And while I already had the chalk pen out, I designed my Christmas board which also happened to be a $3 dollar spot find.
Speaking of dollar spots, if any of you find the advent calendar below in your dollar spot and want to grab an extra for me, I will pay you for it and the cost to mail it. Seriously. Help a girl out! #ourdollarspotislame
After the kids went to bed J and I ended the night with popcorn and Mike’s Hard punch which instantly brought us back to the college (cough pre-college) days. To make it even classier we drank it out of red solo cups. Oh yes we did.
Saturday was spent getting donuts (yay holiday box), Target-ing, and getting professional pictures of the boys taken. J and I weren’t feeling the family photos this go around and let’s face it, the ones with the kids are always the cutest anyways. 
After pictures, I dropped the boys of at my parents house while J and I grabbed some Mexican and margaritas to which I have no pictures of because we scarfed it down in record time.
Sunday was spent lazying around doing the usual weekend stuff. I did manage to whip up a batch of Krispy Kreme copycat donuts and while they had a hint of the KK taste, nothing will compare to the real deal. Still good though and I’ll post the recipe soon.
After donuts it was grouchy faces from the boys (you’ll notice grouch number 2 on the stairs) and lots and lots of laundry.
Laundry isn’t so bad when you’re washing these adorable clothes though. Old Navy had such cute shirts for Jack although I’m wishing I’d sized up one. Anyone else think Old Navy’s clothes shrink a lot?
And because we didn’t check the mail Saturday, we got this nice surprise in our mailbox Sunday night! We’re heading to Disney with J’s mom, brother, and our niece in about a month and I’m so excited to see Disney at Christmas!
I hope you all have a fantastic and productive Monday!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.


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