Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend seemed to fly by. Friday afternoon Ben’s preschool had a holiday party complete with Santa and treats. 
Too bad Ben ended up being terrified of Santa. 
The parents each brought a wrapped gift that Santa then handed out to each child. Once Ben realized Santa gave out a new Thomas and that he didn’t have to sit on his lap, him and Santa were cool.
After the party J and I rented Cowboys and Aliens. It was a pretty good movie and definitely a unique storyline. Plus Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford aren’t bad to look at. And neither is Olivia Wilde. 
We also spent some time with J’s family and rounded out the weekend with a little Christmas craft I found on Pinterest.
I’ll post more about this later since it counts towards one of my Pinterest projects for my Stop Pinning and Start Doing Challenge. 
Are you all participating? To find out more about it click here!

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