Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Friday night I started wrapping presents. I got a few wrapped before Ben woke up and came out in the living room. Thank goodness he’s at the age that if I tell them they’re for someone else he believes me. 
Saturday morning we were up and ready bright and early. Jack’s preschool had a Breakfast with Santa fundraiser at AppleBees.

Ben told Santa that all he wanted was one small Lego (yeah right) and Jack screamed every time I made took a step towards Santa. He did finally utter ho, ho, ho on our way out the door.
Saturday night J and I went to our annual no kids Christmas dinner with my parents, sister, and her husband.
I also got a package from a fun blogger swap I participated in. I can’t wait to reveal my items on Wednesday. I got some awesome goodies and how cute is this wrapping!
Sunday was spent hanging around the house catching up on the never ending laundry pile and finally giving in to Jack’s elf obsession. Santa said it was ok to break the rules just this once. 
How great is this tree Ben colored? Notice the little elf? Ben is so great at all things arts and drawing.
I ended the weekend blogging with a glass of wine. The wine is only because J and I opened a somewhat expensive bottle Saturday night and I didn’t want it to go to waste. Seriously. We usually open a bottle, each have a glass and then the rest goes down the drain when I realize it’s been in the fridge for a month.
What did you do this weekend?
Linking up with Biana & Leeann


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