Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! This weekend was extra special because we are officially under contract on our new house!! Of course after being on the market for a while, the sellers got our offer and another one at the same time. After several counter offers back and forth, we finally reached an agreement Saturday night. I’ll post pictures of the new house once we close but we are SO excited. We have been praying about this house for a while and God is so good!
Our closing date is May 8th, as in less than 30 days and the moving trucks are scheduled to pack everything up on May 16th. To help deal with all my anxiety around moving I started sorting, selling, donating, and packing up a few things late Saturday night.
Besides all things house, our weekend also consisted of a quick, but weird looking storm
We took Ben shopping for some new baseball cleats and practices start this week. 
When did he get this big?! It’s amazing how far he’s come as a player in these last 2 years.
Jack had no problem entertaining himself throughout practice. Who needs toys when you have bleachers you can climb?
After practice we grabbed dinner and then headed home for baths and pjs but someone just couldn’t keep it together long enough.
While the boys both crashed early, J got some work done and I caught up on wine and blogging. 
Have a wonderful week!
Linking up with Biana for Weekending.


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