Weekend Recap

A Weekend Outdoors

This weekend was full of family and fun outdoors. We started off the weekend with a picnic at the park on Friday night with my sister and her family. Don’t let the word night fool you into thinking that the temperatures might have cooled down. It was still a sweltering 90+ degrees hence the reason why I do not make an appearance in any of the pictures from this weekend. Me sweating like a man doesn’t need to be captured for future generations.
How cute are those little fluffy babies?
This picture is right before Ben took one step too close and his little foot slipped into the water. He was fine but I don’t think the momma goose was too pleased and quickly swam away.
Another thing I love about our town besides all the great parks, are the different family activities and festivals we have. Saturday we took the kids to Art in the Park which is a two day festival filled with local art, musicians, food, and activities for kids.
Saturday turned out to be even hotter than Friday so Popsicles were a necessity. 
It worked out perfectly that Art in the Park just happened to be at the same park that also has a splash pad and we came prepared with the kids swim stuff so they could cool off. 
Ben gently trying to drag guide his cousin into the water.
A little snack after all that water play. No festival is complete without funnel cake.
Sunday consisted of  church and lunch at my parent’s house. That afternoon daddy surprised Ben with a new pool and they both had so much fun splashing around.
What did you all do this weekend? Did you sweat like a man or manage to stay cool?

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