• Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    It’s been way too long since I’ve done a weekend recap. We had absolutely zero plans this weekend which was perfect since we ended up getting freezing rain and ice. Friday night I found my favorite book by one of my favorite people at Target. My pre-ordered signed copy was also delivered Saturday morning so to say I was a little excited would be a understatement. If you haven’t snagged a copy of GWYF get one now!

  • Recipes

    3 Ingredient Greek Dip

    My friend Jaclyn made this 3 Ingredient Greek Dip for a white elephant party last Christmas and from the first bite I knew I needed to recreate it. With only 3 ingredients, it takes just a few minutes to prepare which is my kind of dish! It’s perfect if you need a list minute appetizer or just want something to snack on at home.

  • Goals & Resolutions

    2018 Goals Update | January

    We’re one month into the New Year so it’s time to check-in and see what progress I’ve made in the last 31 days. I’d also love to hear about all the great things you guys have accomplished in January so make sure to share those in the comments. It’s always inspiring and motivating to hear other people’s successes. Now let’s get to it.

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    Well we made it to Friday. This week seemed like it lasted foorreevver and I am ready for the weekend. The kids will be up any moment so I’ve got only four things to share this morning.