
The Day Our Sh*t Got Stolen

Remember how I told you in this post that our car got broken into in St. Louis? Yeah, fun times. 
Myself, my parents, and my sister and her family went to St. Louis for the weekend to celebrate both of my niece’s birthdays. I rode with my parents and J was meeting up with us Sunday morning. We had a great day Saturday filled with a trip to the zoo, swimming at the hotel pool, and dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. 
Sunday we checked out of our hotel and headed to the City Museum. We paid to park at a lot near the museum and then spent the day playing and having lots of fun. When it was time to leave we walked back to the lot and I went to put Jack in the car and noticed broken glass on the ground. My first thought was to ask my dad if he knew he parked on a bunch of broken glass. As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I noticed the broken window. 
Then I noticed the note on the driver side window. Again, my first thought was that someone had accidentally broken the window and they left a note with their information. How naive of me. It turned out to be a letter from the police letting us know a complaint was filed with a number for us to contact them. It turns out we weren’t the only car to get broken in to. The car next to us as well as about 5 other cars had also had their windows smashed and items stolen. 
I immediately started taking inventory of what was missing. My purse, but thankfully I had my wallet with me in the diaper bag which I took in to the museum. The only thing of real importance in my purse was my checkbook which I immediately called and reported as stolen. Then I remembered I had left our nice Cannon DSLR camera in the car. Most of the pictures from the weekend were on it which meant they were gone, but thankfully I had just cleaned out that memory card and uploaded all the photos on it. Ben’s Ipad was also in the car, but I had hidden it really well in between the seats so they didn’t find that. They did refile through his Toy Story backpack though which is both sad and pathetic. 
Although I may have freaked out a little a lot about the camera, there is also a lot to be grateful for.
They didn’t steal Ben’s iPad.
They didn’t steal our luggage (remember we had checked out of our hotel).
My parent’s were still able to drive the car home (with a patched window).
J was there to give me and the boys a ride home.
I didn’t bring my laptop with me that weekend.
They didn’t steal my wallet.
I had dumped all the photos off the memory card just before that weekend.
My sister and mom were there to help with the boys and we got everything reported with the police and insurance company. 
And most importantly, no one was hurt. As much as it sucks to have your things stolen, they are just things.
Will they ever catch who broke into our car, in the middle of broad daylight, in an area where lots of people pass by? Probably not. For someone to break into all those cars in the middle of the day they must have been pretty desperate. 
Although a lot of the pictures from that weekend are gone, here are few from my tiny point and shoot camera and iPhone.

On the way to STL and so excited!

On the school bus at the City Museum.
The arch peeking through the buildings.
Both Ben and his cousin got to be part of the circus act.
And even though some of the pictures might be gone, we’ll always have the memories.


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