
The Bachelorette Hits Chicago

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Chicago. After all, I almost moved there 5 years ago right before we found out baby Ben was on the way. 

So imagine my excitement when my friend Alissa said that she wanted to go to Chicago for her bachelorette party. I’m going to recap all the details of our trip and then do a separate post all about where we stayed, restaurants and food, places to visit, etc.
The Bride to Be
Our friend Lindsey who also happens to be a doctor and she helped deliver Jack. 
This is the best the bellman at our hotel could do. It’s unfortunate.
Dinner at RPM Italian. 
The BEST taxi ever.
A little lingerie shower back at the hotel.
If you haven’t played Cards Against Humanity you are totally missing out. I could not stop laughing.
Breakfast before shopping.
Pizza lunch on the patio at Ginos.
The obligatory bean picture.
The Bride to Be conquered one of her biggest fears and rode the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier. If you’re gonna ride a Ferris Wheel, one that overlooks the Chicago skyline is a pretty good choice.
On the way to dinner in a taxi that wasn’t quite as fun as the night before.
Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow.

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