• Kids

    Jack: 3 Month Update

    Jack, you have been with us an entire 3 months. You are most definitely growing. I used to be able to hold you with one arm, no problem at all, but it’s becoming more of a challenge as you chunk up. We are so thankful you are getting bigger especially since at your 2 month Well Child Check you hadn’t gained much weight. You were in the 50% for height but only 10% for weight (10.4lbs). Long story short, after a couple of meetings with the lactation consultant and breastfeeding for a solid 3 months, you now take formula 100% of the time and are doing so much better and gaining weight!…

  • Kids

    Jack: 2 Month Update

    Jack, this past month has been such a delight! I feel like we are finally getting into our groove as a family of four. Just as I knew you would, you have changed SO much this past month. You are a joy to be around and for the most part, a pretty happy baby. You still love to eat and breastfeeding is going strong. You eat every two hours, sometimes less and sometimes more. During the night you usually go 4 hours in between feedings. You have had a few ounces of formula here and there, but 99% of the time you drink breast milk. When I pump, you drink…

  • Kids

    Jack: 1 Month Update

    Jack. You turned 1 month old yesterday. This month seemed like the longest and shortest month all in one. Although we fell in love with you the instant you were born, we have fallen even more in love with you over the past month. You have truly completed our little family and sometimes I want to cry (and do)  just looking at you.  You are growing bigger every day and I’m trying to savor each moment because I know just how fast it goes. At the doctor’s office 2 weeks ago you weighed 9lbs 2 oz. You wear mostly size 1 diapers and newborn/ 0-3 month clothes although the newborn…