• Travel

    Mother Daughter Getaway to KC

    So there’s a lot of excuses as to why I haven’t updated this blog of mine in FOREVER. I could talk about how work has been kicking my butt, how when I get home all I want to do is curl up on the couch, or how I lost all motivation to do anything-I’m pretty sure there was a week recently when I didn’t cook a meal the entire week. Oops. But enough with the excuses. Since things have been so crazy, my mom and I decided to have a little girls night away. Last Friday we packed our bags, I left the little man with J, and we headed off…

  • Travel

    A Weekend in Kansas

    My goal as a mom is to provide Ben (and any future kids) with the best life possible. Pretty big feat huh? And just how will I know when or if I’ve accomplished this? When Ben looks back on his childhood and can remember all the places he’s been, experiences he’s had, and the love that surrounded it all.  Since Ben was born, I’ve always been the kind of mom that wanted him to experience everything. The library, swim lessons, the park, zoo animals, all of it. Even if he would be too young to remember it-we were going to do it-that’s what pictures are for.  When Ben was the…