• Life

    Happy Birthday Mom!

    Today is my mom’s birthday so a big ole shout out to her. We celebrated last night with dinner at our house followed by cake and presents. Ben had a great time playing with his cousins and it was a great opportunity to work on his sharing skills:) Only child syndrome. Happy Birthday Mom, We love you!

  • Life

    Just Call Us The Waltons

    Well maybe not quite, but the fact that our little plants are growing and I’m cooking from the Pioneer Women’s recipes that has to count for something right? I posted here about the start of our little seeds and I’m happy to report that we didn’t kill them. Yet. Once they started to sprout we knew we needed to transfer them to the ground but with our bunny friend always hanging around we didn’t think the plants would make it without being eaten. And our hard work was not about to become that bunny’s dinner. Who wants to come over for peppers, tomatoes, and some broccoli? 

  • Holidays,  Kids


    My sister, brother in law, and nieces were in town this past week from Atlanta and I managed to snap some pictures of the cousins together. Aren’t they darling?!

  • Travel

    Mother Daughter Getaway to KC

    So there’s a lot of excuses as to why I haven’t updated this blog of mine in FOREVER. I could talk about how work has been kicking my butt, how when I get home all I want to do is curl up on the couch, or how I lost all motivation to do anything-I’m pretty sure there was a week recently when I didn’t cook a meal the entire week. Oops. But enough with the excuses. Since things have been so crazy, my mom and I decided to have a little girls night away. Last Friday we packed our bags, I left the little man with J, and we headed off…

  • Weekend Recap

    A Day At The Park

    The weather has been cooler lately and by cooler I mean in the 80’s instead of 100, but we’ll take it. It still feels pretty hot with all the humidity, but at least I can be outside without instantly starting to sweat. We decided to take advantage of the weather and take Ben to a park that I use to go to when I was little. The park is beautiful and they recently updated the playground and put in all new equipment. There is also a huge lake that has lots of ducks and geese you can feed but there didn’t happen to be any out the day we were…