• Life

    Birthday Celebrations

    Two of my sweet nieces had their birthday celebrations on August 11th at the bowling alley. We had so much fun and I can’t believe how big the girls are getting, especially my niece who is 13. How did that even happen?! J and Ben getting ready to bowl. I literally laughed out loud at Ben’s face in this picture. I think he’d rather be playing than have his picture taken. I didn’t get a picture with my other niece but she was having a lot of fun hanging out and bowling with her friends. Happy birthday girls!

  • Home Design & Decor

    A House and a Home

    This is our old house.  It was where we brought our baby home from the hospital. And where he learned to crawl, walk, and talk. It’s where J and I became a family of three. We celebrated 3 Christmas’ in this house. We raced remote control cars in the driveway and drew animals on the sidewalk with chalk. It’s where J and I got engaged. I cooked hundreds of meals in this house and we had lots of family dinners. We even had a few picnics in the living room. This house kept was warm during the 23+ inches of snow we got one Winter. There were lots of laughs…

  • Life

    From Our Family to Yours

    Hi Everyone! I hope y’all had a very merry Christmas. We are still recovering from all the festivities although when I came home last night J had cleaned the entire house and put all the Christmas decorations away including the tree. That is love people. And one less thing I can check off my to do list. I’ll be doing the classic Christmas recap posts soon, but until then I leave you with our Christmas card this year.

  • Life

    A Bowling Birthday

    My niece recently turned 12 and we celebrated with a bowling party. I’m not even going to talk about the fact that she’s 12!!! Can you tell he was excited to bowl? One of his many perfect strikes.

  • Kids

    Another Birthday Celebration: 2 Year Old Style

    J wasn’t the only one lately who celebrated a birthday. My cute little niece turned the big 0-2 and we celebrated with a pool party and then BBQ and bounce house at my parent’s.   At one point in the night everything was really quiet. Too quiet. When I went upstairs to check on the kids this is what I found. 10 years ago he would have never believed me if I said this would be his life.  Happy Birthday Elizabeth!