Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

This weekend was one of those weekends that I want to bottle up and freeze in time. It was the perfect amount of relaxation and productivity not to mention it snowed just enough to coat everything in a thin blanket of white.
My work got tickets to the MU Basketball game on Friday night so we cheered on the Tigers and Ben ended up falling asleep once things started going downhill.
The rest of the weekend was spent baking, DIY-ing, and staying warm by the fire place. 
If you get a chance could you say a little prayer for our sweet Jack tomorrow? He has had a swollen lymph node near his jaw for a few weeks now and it’s not gotten better. He is having surgery tomorrow to check it out and make sure it’s not something serious. We have the top pediatric surgeon performing the surgery, but it’s still nerve racking since they have to put him under. Say a little prayer that the results will turn out fine and that I won’t totally loose it when they take him back to the OR.
Linking up with Biana & Leeann


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