
Random Tuesday Thoughts

It’s only Tuesday and I’ve already got a random list of things I need to share.
We like to order pizza from local places, but every once in awhile we get good ole Pizza Hut because there’s one close to our house and it has a drive thru. The last couple of times we’ve ordered from them our pizza has looked like this. Is it too much to ask that every slice has cheese on it?
I have a serious problem with hoarding cups at work. I forget to take them home with me at the end of each day and then this happens. 
Some bloggers have really been getting on my nerves lately. I know I can stop reading anytime, but the problem is I really like their blogs, but I don’t know if I can put up with all the sponsored posts and plugs to buy add space. I’m fine with it once in a while, but if I’m reading more about ads than your actual life I get turned off pretty quickly.
I painted my nails this perfect fall green from OPI. At least it was perfect until I looked at the name. Come on. Who wants pooped named nail polish?
This is a little hard to see but that would be a giant gnome in the back of a pickup truck. I need to know more. 
I was excited to open this bad boy for a delicious 100 calorie snack only to find the apples completely mushy. Gag. I can’t stand apples or bananas once they become the slightest bit soft. 
I made this adorable DIY Wedding Card Box for some friends of ours and I’ve been putting off posting about it because while I decorated it, my husband actually built the box and I’m too lazy to ask him for the dimensions for the tutorial. 
And I was almost done with this post when Monica Lewinsky popped up on the television. Apparently she’s on a speaking tour talking about how she was a victim, called horrible names, etc. I don’t condone bullying and yes she was young but she also chose to have an affair with the President of the Unites States. Who is married. There are plenty of young, stupid college girls who don’t sleep with married men. I’m not sure what she thought would happen.
And I’m done 🙂
What’s on your mind this Tuesday?


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