I’m linking up in my first ever Five on Friday over at Natasha and Christina’s blogs. One. I am obsessed with Starbuck’s new Valencia Orange Refresher drink. It’s perfect for Summer and a grande is only 90 calories! And in case you don’t believe in karma, on Monday when I ordered my drink I also paid for the person behind me in line. Well Wednesday when I decided I just needed another one, they accidentally made a Tall instead of a Grande and I didn’t have to pay for the larger size. Two. I went to a bridal shower and we all got to take home these little personalized vases with miniature roses. Isn’t…
Jack: 1 Month Update
Jack. You turned 1 month old yesterday. This month seemed like the longest and shortest month all in one. Although we fell in love with you the instant you were born, we have fallen even more in love with you over the past month. You have truly completed our little family and sometimes I want to cry (and do) just looking at you. You are growing bigger every day and I’m trying to savor each moment because I know just how fast it goes. At the doctor’s office 2 weeks ago you weighed 9lbs 2 oz. You wear mostly size 1 diapers and newborn/ 0-3 month clothes although the newborn…
Caramel Pecan Cookies
Before I get into the recipe I need to say that I made these cookies before I had Jack. I’m definitely not doing any baking with a newborn. My cookies didn’t end up looking as beautiful as the original recipe, but they tasted delicious. I made a few changes to the original recipe to make it a little simpler and less time consuming. What You Need: -1 package of pre-made or ready to make chocolate cookie dough (I used Betty Crocker’s chocolate cookie pouch) -1 cup chopped pecans -1 bag Kraft caramels -Few tablespoons of milk What To Do: 1. Pre-heat oven to temperature on the cookie package 2. If…
Jack’s Birth Story
He’s here! Actually he’s been here for almost a month now:) Jack was born at 8:01a.m. and weighed in at 8 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He was much bigger than his brother who was just 6 lbs 12 oz. And although Jack weighed almost 2 pounds more, I definitely think you can tell they are brothers, especially in the nose and eyes. Jack’s birth was the complete opposite of Ben’s. I was induced with both boys, but unlike with Ben, I did not have to go through 17+ hours of labor only to have a C-section at the end. From weeks 37-40 I was dilated to…
Kansas City Trip Review {Lego Land & The T-Rex Cafe}
A few weekends ago we took our last little trip as a family of 3. We wanted to get out of town one last time before I got too close to my due date and couldn’t travel. We made the hour and a half drive to Kansas City and went straight to Lego Land where we built towers, made and raced cars, and rode a few rides. Ben had a blast and J may have loved it just as much as Ben. The earthquake tower. You built a tower and then pressed a button which shook the table. The goal was to build a tower that wouldn’t fall down. Building…