One. Last weekend I took some pictures of the boys and my nieces and I am DYING over how they turned out. One of these just may be our Christmas Card picture this year:) Two. Real guys play Candy Land. Three. The 3rd book in the Divergent Series came out and I can’t wait to read it. Four. I am making these for dinner tonight. I’ll be sure to let you know how they turn out. via Five. I know we all know these people. Especially on Facebook. The question is…how do THEY not know they are these people? Maybe they’re too busy to realize it. Happy Friday Friends!
The Sunshine Award
Back in October, Kate nominated me for the Sunshine Award. The Rules 1. Include the award logo in your post 2. Link to the person who nominated you 3. Answer 10 questions about yourself 4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award 5. Post 10 questions to your nominees *Don’t forget to let the bloggers know you nominated them Here are Kate’s questions to me: 1. What made you decide to start blogging? And how long have you been at it? After reading lots of other blogs, I decided to start my own in 2010 as a way to document our lives. I’m so glad I have the big and not so…
A Turtle Filled Halloween
I didn’t intentionally plan to have the boys’ costumes match but it was adorable that they did. Ben has wanted to be a Ninja Turtle (Leonardo) for the longest time. I knew I wanted to dress Jack up but I kept going back and forth between a lion and an elephant and couldn’t make up my mind. Luckily I came across this turtle costume and knew it was meant to be. I present to you my Ninja Turtle and Tiny Turtle. I love how Ben is holding Jack’s hand. We ate dinner at my parent’s house and then went trick or treating in their neighborhood. Is my niece not the…
5 on Friday
Obviously I didn’t get this post done Friday night. I was in St. Louis for a conference and instead of blogging, my friend Alissa and I chatted in our pjs, had a drink (or two) on the club level of our hotel thanks to a room upgrade, and ate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. The conference was one of the best I’ve been to but I’m so not ready for Monday tomorrow. One. Speaking of my friend Alissa, look what she got me as a thank you gift for hosting her engagement party. I might have jumped up and down like a 5 year old. Two. Last weekend…
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween from our Ninja Turtle and tiny turtle. I’m headed to a conference for the weekend, but I’ll be back with 5 on Friday later today!