
Marry, Makeout, Muzzle

Cassie over at Hi Sugarplum did this fun little game last week and being that I don’t want to turn down an opportunity to talk about hot guys, here’s mine.

Marry: Bill Rancic

Does he not seem like the nicest guy? It also doesn’t hurt that he’s hardworking, funny, and good on the eyes. Giuliana and him are so cute and I am so happy for them to finally be having a baby!!!
Makeout: Ryan Reynolds
Need I say more? Although it was a tough pick between the two Ryans.
Muzzle: Joe Guidice
Everything about this guy is just ughhhh. He’s rude, cocky, and not the brightest bulb in the bunch. The way he talks to his kids, his wife, and people in general is disgusting. Just like him.
Want to play along? Who would you marry, makeout, and muzzle? Do share.

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