
Lunch With My Ladies

Earlier today I went and had lunch with two of my favorite friends, Ali and Sarah who also happen to be twins.  I have known them since high school and I always have such a great time with them no matter what we’re doing. We always seem to laugh and laugh and laugh. Ben also lovingly refers to them as his Aunt’s:) We ate a local bakery that is owned by our other friend’s brother. It was the same bakery that made Ben’s 1 year old birthday cake, which I’ll have to show you in a later post. It was adorable!  Everyone’s food looked so good and I actually tried a new sandwich. This is huge for me because when I find something I like I usually stick with it.
Ali is getting married in just a few short months so we did a lot of catching up on wedding plans. Her fiance is an amazing guy. He is so sweet to her and to all of her friends. I think you can tell a lot about a guy by how he treats his woman’s friends. I cannot wait to see them tie the knot-and for the bachelorette party:) Ali graduated this year as well and it was so neat we were in the same ceremony together. I am so proud of her and all her hard work. She is so talented and will make a great interior designer!
Sarah lives out of town about an hour and a half away so I don’t get to see her nearly as much as I’d like:( Sarah is finishing up school and she is going to be the most AMAZING nurse ever. She has moved to a couple of places over the last couple years and I am so jealous of all the things she has gotten to experience. There is nothing I can’t talk to Sarah about.
I am so lucky to have such amazing friends who not only want the best for me, but for my family. I love you girls!
Sarah, me, Ali
And yes, I can tell them apart.

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