
It’s No Pinkberry

The other night we decided to take Ben to a new frozen yogurt place we have in town. When J and I went to New York last September we got to try Pinkberry and it was delicious. Pinkberry has only one flavor of yogurt and it tastes more like tart sorbet than yogurt. You get to choose your toppings and they have all different kinds of fruit, candy, and even cereals.
Yogurt places like Pinkberry are popping up all over the place and the one in our town is pretty similar but instead of one flavor there was probably 10 or so you could choose from. The ice cream machines are along the wall and you fill it up and then add your toppings. J got raspberry yogurt with strawberries and I got cheesecake flavor with strawberries which turned out to be a huge mistake. You know how something sounds good and then you eat it and it takes nothing like the actual thing? 
We took our yogurt and walked down to a nearby “park” to eat it and even though the place is referred to as a park by everyone in our town, it isn’t an actual park with slides or swings, but more like open space with a walking path and a creek that runs through it. Ben normally loves ice cream, but he was just so excited to be outside and have tons of open space to run that he probably ate 2 bites and was off. He had such a blast just running and running. Until he face planted it. On the concrete. Thankfully he was ok.

Even though he only ate two bites, he managed to get those two bites on him.

Even though he only ate two bites, he managed to get those two bites on him.
Showing us a squirrel.
When we got home there was a baby frog on our front porch which quickly jumped into our flower bed as Ben sprinted towards it.

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