5 on Friday

5 on Friday

This week has been a rough one. Jack had a fever most of the week from what I thought was just teething and a little cold. I took him to the doctor and it turns out he had an ear infection. Now that he’s on antibiotics he’s doing much better and thankfully his fever is gone. On top of a sick baby, work has been crazy busy hosting our annual conference, and I also helped with lunches during teacher appreciation at Ben’s school. 
I’m glad the week’s just about over and we can focus on having fun tonight and this weekend!  Let’s get to my 5 for the week.
I wore this sweater and necklace for the conference and there’s something I love about the combination of rose gold and royal blue. 
I had a client meeting on Wednesday morning two hours away which meant I had to leave really early. Although I was glad when the sun finally came up, I wasn’t so happy about all the fog that was left. Thankfully I only had to drive through it for about 15 minutes. And I was stopped at a gas station for this pick. 
Remember how I told you I helped with lunches during teacher appreciation week? I also put together gifts for the teacher’s who have October birthdays. Thank God for Target!
I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween, are able to stay warm, and that you get to eat lots of candy! It’s supposed to be 28 degrees tonight so we’ll definitely be bundling up as we go Trick or Treating.
Linking up as usual with ChristinaKarli, & Amanda!


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