5 on Friday

Friday, Friday

Well it feels good to be back! I took some time off for Thanksgiving and then came all things Christmas-shopping, decorations, etc and it was hard to get back into the swing of blogging but here I am. I still need to recap our Thanksgiving, but until then, here’s my 5 random tidbits for this week as I link up with KarliAmandaAstleigh, and Christina.

Our Disney MagicBands came in the mail and man has Disney stepped up their game since the last time we were there in 2012. These bands are our room keys, park tickets, fast passes, and any reservations we have. How awesome is that!

I tend to easily lose track of what gifts I’ve bought for who so every Christmas I rely on some kind of gift list to keep track of it all. This year I found this free printable from A Pair of Pears blog. Do you all keep a list?

A few months ago J and I joined the Arbor Day Foundation and with the membership you get to pick out 10 free trees which they ship during certain times of the year. We chose the Douglas Fir and planned to plant them along the property line of our backyard. Well after months of waiting, all 10 trees were delivered. In that bag. Tree fail. It’s too late in the season now to get bigger saplings from a  local nursery so it looks like we’ll be waiting until the spring. Why do I feel like the Arbor Day Foundation is fooling tree lovers everywhere?
Does anyone else feel like picking out Christmas wrapping paper can be just as hard if not harder than picking out Christmas gifts?!? After scouring Target, Walmart, and Michaels, Hobby Lobby came through for the win. I do one print for all the presents from us and “Santa’s” presents in another. Santa’s presents are usually wrapped in paper with a Santa on them, but I couldn’t find any Santa paper I was loving this year but I feel like this brown craft type paper has a north pole feel? I totally just made that up, go with it.
And because it’s just too cute not to share, our elf on the shelf came this past week and brought with him his yearly tradition of matching christmas pjs. I seriously have a pajama obsession and need an intervention.

Happy Friday!!


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