• Life

    I’m Off

    Literally. I’m off work and headed to this lovely city for the day in hopes of finding a rehearsal dinner dress, and the rest of my lovely bridesmaids presents. Wish me luck and happy Friday!!!

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    What I’m Loving Lately

    I’m loving reading the 3rd and final book, Mockingjay, on my Ipad. I said I would never give up paper books but reading on a tablet really is so much better. I’m loving that my wedding dress and vail are now safe at my parent’s house until the big day. I’m loving these chicken breasts we’ve recently started buying. They are organic and each breast comes individually packaged and sealed. I’m loving these new flats I picked up from Target. Although they are really uncomfortable. I’m loving that in 43 days I finally get to marry this guy. Happy Friday Friends!

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    Wedding Wednesday

    65 days and counting….holy cow. I remember when it was 300 days and thinking it was so far away. People are always asking me if I’m nervous and my response is that I’m nervous for the wedding but definitely not the marriage. J and I have been together 5 years and with the little surprise that was Ben, we were forced into a marriage like relationship even though we aren’t technically married. The honeymoon phase in our relationship is long over. I know what kind of father J is. Our relationship is far from perfect, but we’re committed to each other and to our family and we’ve done that without…

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    Despite the fact that it’s a Monday, today was actually pretty great.  Because……………. I passed my boards. I am now a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. My new credentials: Cortney, MSW, BCBA

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    The First Bridal Shower

    My first bridal shower was from our church family. My sister and mom hosted the shower at the church and decorated the hall beautifully. It was filled with lots of pink, hearts, and all things girly. The food was delicious and J and I got more gifts than we deserve.  Here is what I wore. Dress is from Target.  My sister made these adorable centerpieces. Thank you to my wonderful hostesses! I can’t wait for our friends shower at the end of March!