• Goals & Resolutions

    2013 Resolution Update

    Things have been crazy. Busy and crazy, but filled with lots of exciting things. Here’s an update on how I’m doing with my resolutions.  My 2013 Resolutions: Be more patient. A work in progress, but I would say I’m getting better. Finish decorating our house and hang family pictures. Haven’t hung any so far, but I’ve looked on ETSY and am going to order some art. Next step, order pics to be printed. Spend more time with my girlfriends. Definitley an A+ for this one. I’ve done a few dinners out and dinner at a friend’s house. I really hope to keep this up. Have a date night with J at…

  • Goals & Resolutions

    Hello 2013!

    “Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.”  ~Brad Paisley  2012 was a good year for us. A big year. Our little man turned 3, several of our friends welcomed their sweet babies into the world, we got married and celebrated all the fun festivities that came with it, spent 10 wonderful days in Rome, and we took Ben to see his favorite characters at Disney World. We also said goodbye to J’s grandpa but kept his memory alive during this holiday season. And on top of all of that, there’s all the little moments that were captured on this blog. I’m ready…

  • Goals & Resolutions

    July. The Month Of…

    Creating! Creating those Pinterest projects if it kills me. A hint…I’ve already completed 3 things from my boards this month and 2/3 have been a success! Creating time to spend with my girlfriends. It’s been far too long. Creating memories with my family. This means checking more things off our Summer Bucket List. Creating a special 31st birthday for J. Ben requested there be lots of cake.  Creating a budget and sticking to it. So far so good. Creating time to read this devotional. Creating a house that’s clean, organized, and filled with love. What are you doing this July? 

  • Goals & Resolutions

    June Goals Update

    Remember this post where I explained how I wanted June to be a month of conscious spending, getting things done I’ve been putting off, and enjoying life. Well you know what June became the month of? MOVING. And all things unpacking. And craziness. Here are my June goals so let’s see how I did. 1. Save money and stick to the budget. Not too bad. I actually made a budget and then…moving happened. And with moving comes unexpected costs and the little things add up. I give myself an E for effort. 2. Organize our new house. Everything gets a home and a designated place. Ha. I have no idea what I…

  • Goals & Resolutions

    June Goals + A Big Non-Baby Announcement

    It felt like May was both a long and short month all at the same time. I’m using June as the month to get everything back to normal and clean and purge. This is so important because… WE ARE MOVING!!!!!! After months and months of searching we finally found a house we love. I don’t have any real pictures and for some reason the ones on the realtors website aren’t letting me drag and drop, but trust me it’s beautiful. Our current house was brand new when we moved in and was perfect for just J and I and then baby Ben. We thought it was so big, but then…