
Candy Bar Ice Cream Pie

J’s birthday was last month and after browsing Pinterest for birthday cake ideas, I stumbled across an ice cream cake from Kelli. I tweaked it a little bit, changed the crust, and viola! A delicious and easy ice cream cake.

What You Need:
-4 to 5 different varieties of candy. Use whatever you like. I used about 4 of the snack size of each candy (M&Ms, Butterfinger, Snickers, Twix)
-Vanilla Ice Cream
-Pre-made Oreo Crust or you can make your own
-Whipped cream (optional)
What to Do:
1. Unwrap the candies and chop them into small pieces. I left the pieces somewhat chunky so you get bites of it when you eat.
2. After letting the ice cream sit out for ~10 minutes, scoop it into a bowl. I didn’t measure exactly but I used about half the container.
3. Add the chopped up candies and mix them into the ice cream. 
4. Pour the mixture into the Oreo crust. Make sure to leave room about 1/2 inch so you can add the lid back on. I filled mine too full and some of the ice cream leaked out of the lid. 
5. Freeze the pie overnight. Cut and serve with whipped cream!


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