• Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    Happy April everyone! April showers bring May flowers is definitely holding true considering it’s rained everyday so far. Spring break is officially over and it’s back to the grind today. We had a great few days in St. Louis but now I need a few more days to get my life back in order. I’m going to do a full St. Louis recap but here’s a little sneak peak from our trip. We ate, played, swam, and shopped. We got home late Saturday night and Sunday was spent grocery shopping and attending a Light It Up Blue event that my work hosted for Autism Awareness Month. J and I ended the weekend by…

  • Frugal Finds,  Style + Beauty

    Spring Favorites Under $50

    Anyone else go through phases were you feel like there’s nothing you want to buy and then all of a sudden BAM! I’ll take one of everything that’s ever exsisted please. I’m really trying to go through our house, room by room, and get rid of everything we don’t use or need and that includes my closet. As hard as it can be to get rid of certain pieces, it’s nice to get rid of things I no longer like or haven’t worn in forever. Once that’s done I then treat myself and pick out a few new pieces that I absolutely love.

  • Bucket Lists

    Spring Bucket List 2017

    photo via You know I love me a good Bucket List and while I’ve always done one for Summer, Spring’s been left out. Since yesterday was the first official day of Spring, here’s some things I hope to do before summertime rolls around.  //Deep clean the entire house// Open up the windows, tidy each and every area, and get rid of everything we don’t need.  //Go on a picnic// A spring must before the temperatures get too hot. //Dye Easter Eggs// After seeing this tutorial using silk ties, I can’t wait try it out. //Get a pedicure// Is it sad I have to schedule this one on a bucket list? My toes are…

  • Holidays,  Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap {St. Patrick’s Day}

    To my own shock I actually wasn’t dreading Monday. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it’s 80 degrees outside, and it’s the first day of Spring, and Spring Break is next week. Noticing a theme? Bring on all the Spring things! But before I get too excited about Spring, I’m linking up with Biana to recap our weekend. There’s something so fun about celebrating St. Patrick’s day with little kids. We have a tradition where the boys build a leprechaun trap with their dad and despite their best efforts, each year the leprechaun manages to escape.  When your dad has an engineering degree, you can’t have a simple…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    Oh what a Monday it’s been. If you saw my Instastory over the weekend you know that on Friday night we discovered blood in Jack’s urine after he came running to me to come look in the toilet. Something no mom ever wants hear. After a quick call to the nurse hotline, they determined we didn’t need to go immediately to the ER but we would need to see a doctor on Saturday. Luckily our regular pediatrician was on call and he got us right in.  Long story short, after urine and blood work, and then an ultrasound today, they ruled out both a UTI and any kind of tumor. Which is…