• Kids

    Jack: 6 Month Update

     Oh Jack. How are you already half a year old? I both love it and hate it at the same time. I love all the new things you are doing and all your “first” moments. But I’m also a little sad as you change so much each month and become more independent. You’ll notice a lot of your pictures this month have one thing in common. You sitting. And trying to grab the camera from my hands. Gone are the days of taking pictures while you lay still and smile. You are on the go!  You LOVE to kick your little feet as fast as they will go and smile…

  • 5 on Friday

    5 on Friday

    One last 5 on Friday before Christmas. I don’t even know how that’s possible. One. I participated in a Christmas Blog Swap and received this ADORABLE scarf. You can read all about my experience here. Two. Speaking of gifts, we had a Secret Santa exchange at work this week and I hit the jackpot. My friend Julie definitely went above and beyond the daily spending limit with these pillows as my big “reveal” gift on Friday. You all know how obsessed I am with this fair isle print so you can imagine my excitement when I saw these! Three. I promise this is the last picture of gifts, but I just…

  • Life

    Blogger Christmas Swap Link Up

    When Kasey announced that she would be hosting a Christmas blog swap I immediately knew I wanted in. I was a lot little hesitant since I’d only done one other swap and it was a complete and total fail. It was a fall favorite things swap and I packed a box full of all my favorite fall items and shipped them off to my blog partner. It turns out the blogger didn’t even end up getting my gift because she had sent me the wrong address??? I also never received my box from her. When I emailed her about it she said she didn’t know what happened and somehow couldn’t find a…

  • Recipes

    Blueberry Crumb Muffin Tops

    When I saw Megan post about these delicious muffiny goodness I knew I needed to make them myself. I ended up tweaking her recipe a little by adding some things and omitting others and I’m so happy with how they turned out! What You Need: For the muffin top -1 cup flour -1/2 tsp baking powder -1/4 tsp baking soda -1 pkg (16.5 oz) sugar cookie dough -3 oz cream cheese, softened  -1 egg -1/3 cup milk -1 tsp vanilla -1 pint of blueberries -1/2 cup white chocolate chips For the crumb topping -1/4 cup flour -1/4 cup sugar -2 Tbsp butter What To Do: 1. Begin by making the crumb topping.…

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    The fact that I’m posting about our weekend on a Wednesday is a pretty good indication of how our week is going. On Friday we had our second snow of the season. We got about 3 inches and by noon the roads weren’t terribly bad so I was able to get out and run errands. I love the view from our backyard when it snows.  I got all of our Christmas cards addressed and put in the mail and I’ll post our card once everyone gets theirs. Sometimes I feel like I’m so on top of things, like getting holiday themed stamps, but that’s about it.  I also painted my…