5 on Friday

5 on Friday

I’m linking up in my first ever Five on Friday over at Natasha and Christina’s blogs.
I am obsessed with Starbuck’s new Valencia Orange Refresher drink. It’s perfect for Summer and a grande is only 90 calories! And in case you don’t believe in karma, on Monday when I ordered my drink I also paid for the person behind me in line. Well Wednesday when I decided I just needed another one, they accidentally made a Tall instead of a Grande and I didn’t have to pay for the larger size. 
I went to a bridal shower and we all got to take home these little personalized vases with miniature roses. Isn’t it adorable?
After a busy weekend, this guy couldn’t even make it through dinner. Also, check out his sweet outfit.
I can’t believe Jack is 6 weeks old today! We love him so much!
My sweet niece who turned 4 this week! Happy birthday Elizabeth!


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